Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Call for New Legislative Drafters

The Texas State Legislature desperately needs new legislation drafters, or at least proofreaders and editors. And it needs to stop beating the dead horse of gay marriage. A recent flare up of controversy surrounding the state’s constitutional gay marriage ban suggests that the Legislature may have inadvertently banned all marriage.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is Useful Political Discourse Dead in America?

I have a new article in the Journal of the American Bull Moose.  Please check it out, leave comments, etc., over there:  http://americanbullmoose.com/content/?p=439

Brief summary:  political debate in America gave way to partisan debate, which gave way to partisan rhetoric, which has now reached its cancerous end-stage, which could be described as opposing obfuscative misinformation campaigns designed for the dual purpose of swelling the ranks of political cults and making money.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Glenn Beck’s Conspiracy-Mongering Destroys Meaningful Debate

Glenn Beck continues to spew specious nonsense in order to suppress reasonable discussion of substantive matters.  Two specific examples to follow.